Do you want to be on TV?

Got questions? Comments?
Send us a video and we might put it on air!

We want to hear from you!

We know you care deeply about the issues facing America and your hometown just as much as we do. That’s why we want to hear what’s on your mind.

Just take a short video of yourself sharing your reaction to the topics discussed on the show.

Here’s the best part – we may air your video on Rob Schmitt Tonight at 7pm ET Mon-Fri!

Here’s how you join us:

  1. Using your camera app record a video of yourself.
  2. Please make sure your video is no longer than 45-60 seconds.
  3. Tell us what you think of the issues we are discussing on the shows, we look forward to your feedback.
  4. Remember – lots of light, and clear audio work best for us.
  5. Make sure your video is taken vertically (in portrait mode).
  6. Using the form below, send it in to Newsmax TV studios.

It’s that simple!

Keep watching your favorite shows on Newsmax TV and who knows – you just may be the next star in the making!

Please see our Terms & Conditions for your submission below.

Submit Your Videos to Newsmax TV!